Spring is here and it's time to get training outdoors!

Texas is so very beautiful this time of year and I'm itching to start trail running more often.

Eisenhauer Park is my favorite because it is beautiful and rugged with lots of technical areas. My kids run it with me. We fill our camelbacks and take granola bars for our halfway stop at the lookout tower. You can see forever.

Now, we've been running it in the cooler weather and have learned to keep our eyes and ears open. I teach them to be aware of animals and people. But, just recently, I've been reading posts from friends that are buying snake bite kits! Eek! I did not plan for that and didn't even think of that as a worry! But, I am always learning more and more about trail running.

So, now I realize that I probably need a bigger backpack to include a snake bite kit and am going to do more research on how to keep my kiddos safe also. Don't think I can convince them to wear knight armor to go run in the Texas heat...

See you on the trails!

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    I am Red. I am a race addict and obssessed with all things running, cycling, triathlon, trails, obstacles, and mud. Forever looking for a way to push myself harder and further. I dream of inspiring my two children to push themselves towards their dreams. I am blessed with a husband who understands and supports my dreams and obssessions.


    December 2013
    April 2013

